General FAQs
- Commonly asked questions of MadSci
- THE most common question:
Why is the sky blue?
- Some more philosophical discussions about
- Answers to a few of the more bizarre
questions we have received.
- Careers in science
- What is it like to be a scientist?
- Why did I decide to become a scientist?
- The Body
The gastrointestinal tract: stomach, intestines, digestion..
- Body fluids: Regurgitation (vomiting/throwing up)
The heart and circulatory system
- The lungs
- Blood types
Hiccups, sneezing and yawning..
- Fingerprints
- Questions concerning CAFFEINE!
Effects of caffeine on people.
Effects of caffeine on plants.
Effects of caffeine on Daphnia.
- Questions concerning Colors
"What is light?"
"What is color?"
"What are the colors of the rainbow?"
"What gives things their colors?"
"How do we perceive colors?"
- The Earth!
- Basic questions about the earth
- Continental drift, plate tectonics
and seafloor spreading
- Reversals of the earth's
magnetic poles
- Hurricanes
- Engineering Questions
- Car engines and fuels
- Questions about Evolution
- "Why is it called the "Theory of Evolution?"
- "What is evolution?"
- "How does evolution occur"
- "Where do new species come from?"
- Distingishing between perpetual motion and Perpetual Motion Machines
Perpetual Motion
Perpetual Motion Machines
Science-Fair related FAQs
- Anthocyanins
Prevalent plant pigments useful for:
- Easy to extract pH indicators
- Pigment chromatography
- Bacteria
Growing bacteria
Isolating bacteria from different sources
Specific bacterial species, including E. coli,
streptococci, and microbes found in deep sea thermal vents.
- Normal Flora
Questions concerning your own personal ecosystem.
- Bread Molds
- Questions concerning Catalase
Catalase Enzymatics
Catalase Applications
Catalase in Various Organisms
- Questions about the water-flea
- Dan Berger's Food
Batteries FAQ!
- Questions about Nail Polish
