Fingerprints FAQ
Learn more about what those unique ridges on your fingers do for you or how they're used in forensic science.
Basics About Fingerprints
What's the use of fingerprints?
Why do fingers and toes have fingerprints?
Why are peoples' fingerprints different?
How does skin regenerate itself?
What is in a fingerprint?
Is there any attribute of a person that is totally unique?
Information about fingerprints
Use of Fingerprints in Forensics
How do you find fingerprints?
How are fingerprints read?
How are fingerprints detected at a crime scene?
Are there differences between male and female fingerprints?
Genetics, Development and Fingerprints
Are fingerprints controlled by genes?
How many genes are required to make a fingerprint?
What leads to identical twins having non-identical fingerprints?
Do fingerprints of family members have anything in common?
Do clones have the same fingerprint as their parent?
Are fingerprints sex-linked traits?
Are fingerprint patterns associated with genders or specific ethnicities?
Other "prints" on the body?
Do lips have prints?
Why are there lines on my palm?
Do the wrinkles on your knuckles have a name?
Fingerprints in other species
Do any animals other than humans have fingerprints?
Are dog footprints unique like human fingerprints?
Alterations in Fingerprints
Do fingerprints ever change?
Is there such a thing as disappearing fingerprints?
Can you erase your fingerprints?