MadSci Network: General Biology

Subject: Do you have any idea if music will effect the growth rate of mold?

Date: Tue Dec 28 19:44:29 1999
Posted by Niki
Grade level: 10-12 School: Peabody High
City: Peabody State/Province: Mass Country: USA
Area of science: General Biology
ID: 946431869.Gb

For my science fair project, I'm doing "The Effects of Music on the Growth 
of Mold on Bread".  I am going to take slices of bread contaminated with 
mold spores and play music for 3 hours a day.  I will be using 4 types of 
music (jazz, classical, country, and alternative) to see which makes mold 
grow the fastest.  I've read all the archives on mold and bread, but I 
found nothing dealing with music.  Could you tell me I'd there was ever an 
experiment done to prove this or any other information?  thank you.

Re: Do you have any idea if music will effect the growth rate of mold?

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