General Biology
Biology Hyperbook, at M.I.T. - online tutorial for a course in
biology. Includes chapters, problems and test questions.
What the heck..?: A series of interesting articles
concerning questions in biology.
Astrobiology Website: A comprehensive and rigorous site discussing
the possibility of life on other planets, including Mars. Provides a
good basis of how life evolved on earth, and what types of "biological"
systems humanity could expect to find on other planets.
The Biology Project: Topics in various areas of biology.
Ask A Biologist: Arizona State U.
Reference: Biology: Helena Curtis & Sue Barnes.
Worth Publishers. ISBN - 0-87901-394-X (1989).
Also Invitation to Biology by the same authors - a less rigorous
version of the above text.
Worth Publishers. ISBN - 0-8790-1679-5 (1994).
For fun: The Biology Coloring Book:
learn about basic topics in biology by starting with a box of crayons!
WWW Virtual Library
for the Biological Sciences: Top page for more than 20 sites
with library pages in biology
Pedro's BioMolecular Research Tools: A good place to start if
you're looking for something related to Biochemistry, Biophysics
or Molecular Biology.
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