MadSci Network: Engineering

Re: Can you use a electric generator to create more volts than needed

Date: Sun Sep 17 12:58:05 2000
Posted By: Dwayne Rosenburgh, Senior Electronic Engineer
Area of science: Engineering
ID: 968895844.Eg

Unfortunately, the answer is no.  Your question is a variant of the perpetual 
motion machine.  This type of perpetual motion machine is called a perpetual 
motion machine of the first kind -- a device which produces more energy than it 
consumes.  This is a violation of the first law of thermodynamics.  Therefore, 
you cannot take the output from any machine that generates energy, and 
passively feed the output back into the machine without having a loss of energy 
(somewhere in the process).  For example, if the electric generator requires 1 
Amp and 10 Volts to operate; the power needed to operate the generator is 10 
Watts (power = current x voltage; so 10 W = 1 A x 10 V).  As you may already 
know, when transformers are operating, they generate heat.  This heat is a 
power loss; therefore, the maximum power that can be fed back to the generator 
is 10 W - (the power that is lost as heat).  So, without having a 100% 
efficient transformer, there will not be enough power from the transformer to 
operate the generator.

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