MadSci Network: Evolution |
Well first let me say you have quite an imagination, which is something that we need more of in today's society. Now let me try to sort out your ideas. First, alien abductions is something rather difficult to handle from a purely scientific viewpoint. At the moment, I have to agree that the simplest explanations for these abduction reportings is hallucinations caused by a human brain that we don't fully understand, distorted and repressed memories of past physical/sexual abuse, and sightings of experimental aircraft. It is perhaps a combination of those as well. So, as a scientist, I have to say that the abductions are not caused by aliens, dimensional beings, or even future humans. But, with that aside, let's have with some of your conjectures. First, your description of the morphology of the grey aliens and the possible adaptions of them is a good idea. In biology, we often look at the morphology of an organism and try to figure out what adaption does it give the organism. The problem is that humans for the last 100,000 years have changed very little. We are evolving socially, but not much physically. For humans to have changed into 5 foot tall, grey skinned, androgynous, telepathic creatures, some major events would have had to result. Of course, genetic engineering could explain some of that. But, it is difficult to assume where technology will be in the future. Remember, the Roman Empire was the most technologically advanced civilization in the world until it was destroyed by the Germanic barbarians. Then Europe fell into a 1000 year long Dark Age. Telepathy is another sticky situation. There have been some interesting studies that suggest that some people may have some telepathic abilities. The CIA did research into "remote sensing" for about 20 years. However, we have yet to explain exactly how telepathy would work. Again, from a purely scientific point, I have to say that telepathy is probably a mixture of a creative imagination, vague descriptions, and a little luck. But, I would like to be proven wrong.
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