MadSci Network: Botany

Subject: Why did the plant I am feeding with coffe grow then wither and die?

Date: Sun Apr 18 08:50:15 1999
Posted by essence
Grade level: 7-9 School: st.boniface catholic school
City: toronto State/Province: ontario Country: canada
Area of science: Botany
ID: 924443415.Bt

I am growing two plants watered with coffee.
One plant(Snapdragon Muflier flower) did not grow but the second 
plant (Cosmo flower) grew but then withered and died the next 
day.I noticed the growth of the cosmo flower 6 days after 
planting it.
The coffee that i fed each with was "Nescafe Rich Blend Instant 
Coffee". I watered them with this coffee every other day.
If you have any reason to any of these question please respond:
Why did one flower grow and not the other?
Why did the plant wither and die?
Is this the cause of the plant diseases Blight?

Re: Why did the plant I am feeding with coffe grow then wither and die?

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