MadSci Network: Anatomy

Subject: How does the skin regenerate itself after a section is removed?

Date: Tue Sep 5 14:35:27 2000
Posted by Lauren
Grade level: 7-9 School: Homeschooled
City: No city entered. State/Province: TX Country: USA
Area of science: Anatomy
ID: 968178927.An

Recently I fell while ice skating and removed a chunk of skin about as big 
around as a dime and a little thicker then a dime off the inner side of my 
thumb with my ice skate. It has been slowly filling in the skin it was 
missing. I was wondering what allows it do that, and how does the body know 
what kind of skin to put down. I was also wondering if it was possible to 
cut a finger deep enough that a section of your fingerprint would never 
fully return. Thanks!!!!! ~*~Lauren~*~ Feel free to e-mail me

Re: How does the skin regenerate itself after a section is removed?

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