The MAD Scientist Hall of Fame

You have entered the hallowed halls of the MAD Scientist Network Hall of Fame. Here you can learn more about some of the dedicated veterans who make our goal of advancing science literacy and science education around the world possible.
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Name:Gary Bachman
Country of Residence: USA
Areas of Science: Agricultural Sciences, Astronomy, Botany, Other
Joined: 1995
Comments:Plant Physiology, Whole Plant, some plant biochemistry
are areas I am interested in.

Name:Oliver Bogler Country of Residence: USA Areas of science: Cell Biology, Development, Molecular Biology, Neuroscience Joined:3/96 Comments: I have a background in developmental biology, neurobiology, cell and molecular biology and now work actively in cancer research, my particular interest being brain tumors. I'd be glad to answer questions relating to any of these areas. Web pages:Brain Tumor Biology Laboratory; The Cancer Research Dialog

Name:Lynn Bry Country of Residence: USA Areas of Science: Anatomy, Biochemistry, Chemistry, Development, Evolution, Genetics, Medicine, Microbiology Joined: 1995 Comments: Host-microbial interactions and signalling. Transgenic mice. Gut Epithelial Biology. Anaerobes/Anaerobic microbiology. Web Page:

Name: John Christie Country of Residence: Australia Areas of Science: Chemistry, Environment/Ecology, Physics Joined:3-4-96 Comments: Physical Chemist, strong interest in Atmospheric Chemistry, history of Chemistry. Good general knowledge of Chemistry and some experience and ability in dealing with the unusual, difficult to categorize problem. Some problems submitted under 'physics' or 'environment' might fall within my expertise. Web Pages: jrc.html;Environmental Sciences

Name: Samuel Conway Country of Residence:USA Areas of Science:Chemistry, Science History Comments: I am senior scientist at Message Pharmaceuticals, a small biotech research company located just outside of Philadelphia. My chief areas of expertise are synthetic organic and medicinal chemistry; however, I was blessed in my college days with a liberal education, and thus I don't mind tackling a question or two from other fields.

Name: Andrew Cooke Country of Residence: Scotland, UK Areas of Science: Astronomy, Physics Joined: 1995 Web Page:

Name: Mike Crawford Country of Residence: USA Areas of Science: Genetics, Microbiology Joined: 1995

Name: Artem Evdokimov Country of Residence: USA Areas of Science: Biochemistry, Chemistry, General Biology, Molecular Biology, Other Joined: 1995 Web Page:

Name: Kelleen Flaherty Country of Residence: USA Areas of Science: Anatomy, Evolution, General Biology, Zoology Joined: 1995 Web Pages: Understanding Biology The Living World How Scientists Think

Name: Leslie P. Gartner Country of Residence: USA Areas of Science: Anatomy, Cell Biology, Other Joined:3-8-96 Comments: Research interests: aging, craniofacial development, teratology. Teaching interests: Histology, oral histology, craniofacial development, cell biology, gross anatomy (head and neck) Textbooks: Leslie P. Gartner and James L. Hiatt:Color Atlas of Histology, 2nd Ed. Williams & Wilkins Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1994 Leslie P. Gartner, James L. Hiatt, and Judy M. Strum: Cell Biology and Histology, 2nd Ed. Williams & Wilkins Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1995 James L. Hiatt and Leslie P. Gartner: Textbook of Head and Neck Anatomy, 2nd Ed. Williams & Wilkins Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1986 Leslie P. Gartner and James L. Hiatt: A Color Textbook of Histology. W.B. Saunders Publishing Company, Philadelphia, 1997 Leslie P. Gartner: Oral Histology and Embryology. Jen House Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1989 Leslie P. Gartner: Essentials of Oral Histology and Embryology, 2nd Ed. Jen House Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1986.

Name: Richard Goode Country of Residence: USA Areas of Science: Astronomy, Physics Joined:3-13-96 Comments: Amateur Astronomer Web Page:

Name: Rick Huneke Country of Residence: USA Areas of Science: Medicine, Zoology Joined: 1995

Name: Jim McCarter Country of Residence: USA Areas of Science: Development, Evolution, Genetics Joined: 1995 Comments:Genetics and muscle development in C. elegans. Drosophila. Web Pages: Schedl Lab; Worm Teaching Team; Graduate Student Representatives

Name: Stephen D. Murray Country of Residence: USA Areas of Science: Astronomy Joined:3-96 Comments: My research is in theoretical astrophysics, using both analytical and numerical methods. My primary areas of interest are the formation of star clusters and galaxies, x-ray binary stars, the evolution of Lyman-alpha clouds, and the evolution of cooling flows. Web Page:

Name: Michael Onken Country of Residence: USA Areas of Science: Anatomy, Biochemistry, Cell biology, Development, Genetics, General Biology, Neuroscience Joined: 1995

Name: Philip Plait Country of Residence: USA Areas of Science: Astronomy Comments: I am an astronomer/programmer working on calibrating the next generation Hubble Space Telescope camera called STIS: Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph. I received my PhD studying the ring around supernova 1987A and have taught astronomy for over 5 years. I am also an avid amateur astronomer. NOTE: I do not speak for NASA or any other affiliated companies blah blah blah. Anything I say is my own fault. Joined:3/96 Web

Name:Dave Plas Country of Residence: USA Areas of Science:Cell Biology, Chemistry, Immunology Comments: I am a graduate student in immunology studying the regulation of antigen receptor signal transduction. I hope that this work will add to our knowledge of how this key signal transduction pathway affects the overall function of the immune system. I am also interested in following all areas of science, and I hope to always be a "student" willing to learn about anything.

Name: Bill Reisdorf Country of Residence: USA Areas of Science: Biochemistry, Biophysics, Physics Joined: 1995

Name: Mike Roginsky Country of Residence: USA Areas of Science: Astronomy, Botany, Computer Science, Development, Earth Sciences, Environment/Ecology, General Biology, Physics, Zoology Joined: 1995

Name: Sean Sherlock Country of Residence: USA Areas of Science: Astronomy, Earth Sciences, Environment/Ecology, Evolution Joined:3-96 Comments: I am a grad student in Geology at WVU, where I hope to get my PhD within a year. I am also a registered Professional Geologist in Wyoming and Pennsylvania, where I worked for many years in the engineering and environmental consulting business. My current research is trying to find relatively easy and cost-effective ways to restore rivers and streams damaged by acid mine drainage and acid rain. Web Page:

Name:Joe Simpson Country of Residence:USA Areas of ScienceComputer Science, Medicine, Neuroscience Joined:1995 Comments:I am an MD/PhD student in the Neurosciences working on functional neuroimaging of the human brain with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). I intend to become a psychiatrist.

Name: Tim Susman Country of Residence: USA Areas of Science: Environment/Ecology, Evolution, Zoology Joined:3-13-96 Comments: I have a MS in Zoology and am currently working for the Jane Goodall Institute on chimpanzee behavior data. My Masters research was on urban foxes. Web Page:

Name: Frederick Sweet Country of Residence: USA Areas of Science:Medicine Comments:Since 1971, I have been a professor of reproductive biology at the School of Medicine at Washington University in St. Louis. My main areas of research are the molecular biosynthesis, transport, and mechanism of action of the female hormones. Practically, I have worked on the development of new birth control agents and also anti-cancer substances for treating hormone-associated cancers of the female reproductive system. In additon to laboratory research, my personal working interests are preventing unintended teen pregnancy locally, and human overpopulation globally.

Name: Malcolm Tobias Country of Residence: USA Areas of Science: Astronomy, Physics Joined: 1995 Web Page:

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