DNA is the genetic material..
Introductions to genetics:
The Natural
History of Genes: Activites and information about
genetics for K-12 students.
Mendelian Genetics:
Discusses topics in classical genetics and plant science, based on the
studies carried out by the German monk, Gregor Mendel in the late 1800s.
Molecular Genetics:
A Primer on Molecular Genetics: Covers the basics
from DNA --> RNA --> protein to more 'advanced' areas such as
molecular biology and the
mapping of genes.
DNA Learning Center:
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories. Information on molecular genetics
and recombinant DNA technology.
Human Genetics:
The Human Genome
Project: Learn about the efforts to
sequence all three
billion bases of the human genome.
A second resource for the
Human Genome project at Oak Ridge National Labs.
Mendelian Inheritance in Man:
Searchable database to locate
information about known inheritable characteristics in humans.
Careers in Genetics
Careers in the Genetics Field: Genetics Society
of America.
Recommended Books
Double Helix: By James Watson, co-Nobel laureat with
Francis Crick for discovering the structure of DNA. This short book
describes the story of how the structure of DNA was elucidated.
Mentor Books. ISBN 0-451-62594-3 (1968).
Reference - Genetics by Ursula Goodenough
VII: by Benjamin Lewin
Virtual Library for Genetics
discusses topics related to chromosome structure and mapping.
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