Computer Science
- * The WWW FAQ
(Frequently Asked Questions) has information and links about all
aspects of the
- Computers
A massive index of computer- and computer science-related sites.
- * EFFweb: The
Electronic Frontier Foundation - a non-profit organization
devoted to protecting rights of provacy, free speech, and
access to online information.
- Fight Spam:
How to fight the loads of junk mail sent daily around the Internet.
- Silicon Valley History Online: Historical photographs
with detailed descriptions of the silicon chip, personal computers, and
who made them possible.
More than 10 virtual libraries are devoted to topics in Computer
The WWW Virtual
Library in Computing has links to libraries on
specific subjects.
Given the diversity of what "computer science" can encompass..
the heirarchy of comp USENET groups generally provide a good place
to ask questions or search for answers.
There are over 100 USENET groups dedicated to topics concerning
computers, computer languages, infosystems, etc. Try starting with
the heirarchy list of
FAQs for comp groups.
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'Gorgonzola has forgotten the trephines again!'