MadSci Areas

What do these "areas of science" mean?

We provide some keywords and brief descriptions below. Many subjects overlap with other areas. The MadSci Moderators who review your questions have the option of changing the area you selected, so don't worry if you feel you might have chosen the wrong one.

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Agricultural Sciences:
Farming, soils, crop plants, farm animals, produce, vegetables, meats, grains and other products.
Bodily structures, heart, lungs, liver, gut, etc. Also aspects of how the body functions (physiology).
Planets, stars, black holes, galaxies, the universe, the study of space, space travel, NASA missions, Hubble space telescope.
The "chemistry of life" - enzymes, biomolecules such as DNA, proteins, sugars, and fats (lipids). The biochemical "processes of life" - glycolysis, fermentation, respiration, photosynthesis.
The study of plants. Seeds, plant growth, flowers, photosynthesis
Cell Biology:
The study of cells - cell organelles, cell growth, development and death (overlaps with Development). Functions of cells. Cellular processes such as mitosis and meosis, cellular respiration
General/introductory chemistry, problem solving, stoichiometry, molecules and atoms in molecules, the elements and the Periodic Table, acids and bases, oxidation and reduction reactions, kinetics. Aspects of organic chemistry (chemistry of carbon-containing compounds) may overlap with biochemistry.
Computer Science:
Artifical intelligence, the Internet and networking, *general* hardware and software questions - we're not intended as a "fix-it" service.
How cells, organs or entire organisms grow and develop.
Many areas concerning the building of structures, electronics, materials, airplanes, satellites, cars, roads, bridges, buildings, mechanical objects, chemical engineering, etc..
Earth Sciences:
Geology, the study of rocks, minerals, volcanos, moutains, earthquakes, the study of the atmosphere and weather (meteorology). The study of the oceans (oceanography), rivers, lakes and other water systems (hydrology).
Environment & Ecology:
Environmental issues - pollution, ozone depletion, global warming. Habitats, ecosystems on the planet, both on the microscopic (with bacteria, for instance) and involving larger animals.
The study of how life evolved on the planet. In this group we currently lump many "paleontology" questions - dinosaurs, fossils, etc..
General Biology:
Other questions in the subject of biology that do not seem to fit under listed areas.
The study of our genetic information & inheritance from how genes & DNA operate at a molecular level to observing the effects of genes on an organism (phenotype) & the role of genes versus the environment. Chromosomes, centromeres, regulation of genes.
The study of the immune system - how we and other organisms fight infectious. Antibodies, T cells, B cells, vaccines, AIDS.
Health and fitness, disease, nutrition (may overlap with biochemistry and other areas). We do not answer questions concerning diagnoses or advice for therapies, drugs or health supplements.
The study of the "unseen" world. Includes the study of bacteria, "protozoa," parasites and molds and fungi. Virus questions should go under virology.
Molecular Biology:
Genetic engineering, biotechnology, manipulation of genes.
The study of the brain and nervous system, including the senses (smell, taste, vision, hearing and touch), reflexes. Psychology, memory, thought.
I don't know where else to put my question!!
The study of motion, light (optics), gravity, electricity and magnetism, relativity, particle physics (study of atomic particles), problem solving..
Science History:
The history of science! Discoveries, inventions, atronomical and evolutionary events (overlaps with atronomy & evolution). How was this done? How was this found out?
The study of viruses, bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria). Viral diseases - colds, the flu, AIDS, chicken pox, vaccines.
The study of animals - worms, jellyfish, insects, spiders, snails, fish, frogs, turtles, horses, dolphins, dogs, cats, elephants, apes, people.

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